Using the Simcode component to issue the operating system command is
identical to using the OS Command component. However, there are slight
differences between using the Simcode component to define the input and
output and using Data Exchanger components.
The advantage of using the Simcode component over separate Data Exchanger
and OS Command components is that the three phases—input, command,
and output—all run in the same working directory. This is convenient
when you are running on a SIMULIA Execution Engine
because you do not need to copy input and output files between computers—the
files are created, used, and (unless saved) discarded in one step.
Other differences between using the Simcode component and using separate
Data Exchanger components are as follows:
When you are defining the input of the Simcode component, you are limited
to writing files; similarly, when you are defining the output, you are
limited to reading files. In contrast, a separate Data Exchanger component
can read or write files and can open multiple files in different modes.
When you are defining the input of the Simcode component, you can select
only one input file parameter for the file to be written. This local
file is effectively updated in-place. A Data Exchanger component would
have two file parameters: an input parameter for the template file and
an output file parameter for the file that is written by the application.
The Simcode component includes an option to save the updated input file
as an output file parameter.
When you are defining the output of the Simcode component, you can define
only one output file parameter for the file written by the application.
The file is read by the Data Exchanger after the application writes it
and before it is optionally mapped to a subsequent component. A Data
Exchanger component uses an input file parameter for the file to read.