About the iSIGHT File Parser Component

When working with other programs or components in Isight, it is sometimes necessary to use the Data Exchanger to move parameter values to and from a file. In iSIGHT, similar work was performed by the Advanced Parser and the Fast Parser. You can use the iSIGHT File Parser component to import models and programs that were created with the Advanced Parser. You can use File Description Command (FDC) files and instruction segments of description files to move data between Isight parameters and files. For more information about FDC files, refer to the iSIGHT User’s Guide.

Related Topics
Understanding Parser Terminology

While it is possible to create new parses with the iSIGHT File Parser, it is recommended that you use the Fast Parser component or the Data Exchanger component to create new parses.

The component editor has two views. The view is dependent on whether you are creating or editing an input or an output parse. The following example shows the iSIGHT File Parser Component Editor with an input parse.

The editor includes the following areas:

  • Parser Type. This area, in the top left corner, determines the parse mode (input or output). Any bi-directional code is handled internally and does not have to be specified.

  • Actions. This group of buttons, in the upper right corner, provides the basic commands available to produce, edit, and test the parse.

  • Necessary Files. This area, on the left side of the editor and divided into tabs, displays the files that are required and constitute the parse. You can select, create, edit, or view these files.

  • Isight Parameters. This area, on the right side of the editor, displays a list of the parameters that the component requires for the parse. The parameters are placed into the component so that Isight can access them.

To start the iSIGHT File Parser Component Editor, double-click the iSIGHT File Parser component icon . When you have finished configuring the iSIGHT File Parser, click OK to close the editor. For more information about inserting components and accessing component editors, see Working with Components in the Isight User’s Guide.