From the Isight
Design Gateway
Edit menu, select Preferences.
The Preferences dialog box appears.
Expand the Components folder on the left side
of the dialog box, and select MATLAB.
In the Drive MATLAB with list, select Java
Socket or Native Code API.
If you select Java Socket, a MATLAB
Command text box appears.
If you leave the MATLAB Command text box empty,
newly-created instances of the MATLAB component will run the instance
of MATLAB specified by the environment variable MATLAB or by the Isight
command-line argument fiper.comp.matlab.command. This
is the typical configuration because it allows the component to use whichever
MATLAB is available where the component is run (this is important when
is run in distributed mode).
If you want newly-created instances of the MATLAB component to run a
version of MATLAB different from the one set in the environment, type
the command in the text box or click Browse to
navigate to the command.
If you are working in a Windows environment
and MATLAB is installed on a network drive, enter the path to the MATLAB
executable file in UNC format (e.g., \\testmachine\MATLAB\R2007b\bin\matlab.exe).
Select the Use Isight JRE for MATLAB application option if you want the MATLAB application to use JRE shipped with Isight. By default,
this option is selected.
If you want MATLAB application to use a JRE other than that shipped with Isight, unckeck the Use Isight JRE for Matlab application option and provide the desired JRE directory path in the
Custom JRE Path text box (e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7).
This option is useful when you have a 32-bit MATLAB application or when the MATLAB application expects a JRE version different from that of Isight.
The version of Custom JRE should be equal or higher than the version of JRE shipped with Isight.
Execute the following command on Command Prompt <Isight_install_directory>\win_b64\code\jre\currentjre\bin\java.exe –version to know the version of JRE shipped with Isight.
Click OK to save your changes and to close the
dialog box.