Typically, a component has five classes that extend/implement the specified classes/interfaces defined by the Isight framework:
You can have other supporting classes as needed. The following table summarizes the Isight framework defined interfaces/classes for the above mentioned entities.
In addition to these classes you must have an xml file called component descriptor and a manifest file. Both files must contain vital information about the component. You must provide the component descriptor file. Typically, the manifest file is created by the project build file. A typical component descriptor file with numbered placeholders for various values follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <MetaModel name=" 1 " supername="com.engineous.system.component.Activity" superversion="*.*.*" version=" 2 "> <Requires> <SystemRelease>2.0.0</SystemRelease> </Requires> <DisplayName> 3 </DisplayName> <Description> 4 </Description> <Icon> 5 </Icon> <Editor type= "com.engineous.desktop.sdk.DesktopEditor"> 6 </Editor> <Runtime type="com.engineous.sdk.runtime.Component"> 6 </Runtime> <Handler type= "com.engineous.sdk.component.ComponentHandler"> 6 </Handler> <PostProcessor type= "com.engineous.sdk.runtime.PostProcessor"> 6 </PostProcessor> <PreferencesPanel type= "com.engineous.sdk.preferences.PreferencePanel"> 6 </PreferencesPanel> <Variables> <Variable description=" 4 " model="Local" name=" 7 " tag=" 7 " role="Property" structure="Scalar" type="com.engineous.datatype.String 8"> </Variable> </Variables> <Preferences> <Preference name=" 7 " tag=" 7 " type="com.engineous.datatype.String"> <Value>" 9 " </Value </Preference> </Preferences> </MetaModel> The significance of placeholders in the component descriptor above is: