
Two JAR files of the Isight API must be included on the class path when compiling code.

When compiling code that uses the Isight API (which includes components and plug-ins as well as applications), the following JAR files must be on the class path:

  • <Isight_install_directory>/<operating_system>/docs/java/SMAFIPsdk.jar

    All the core API classes and interfaces.

  • <Isight_install_directory>/<operating_system>/docs/java/SMAFIPdesktopSDK.jar

    Swing classes that are useful when building an application that edits models or a component editor. The most useful classes are com.engineous.desktop.sdk.gui.VariableBean and VariableChooserAddBean.

In addition, it may be useful to put the following JAR files on the classpath when compiling applications, components, or plug-ins:

  • <Isight_install_directory>/<operating_system>/docs/java/SMAFIPcommon.jar

    Utility classes, both general Java classes and classes for manipulating Isight models. These classes are not guaranteed to be supported in future releases and are not documented, but some are useful.

  • Any or all of the JAR files in the following directory:


    These are useful third-party Java libraries.

Note: Only SMAFIPsdk.jar and SMAFIPdesktopSDK.jar are considered public API that are guaranteed to maintain compatibility in future releases. Classes found in the other JAR files listed here are subject to change, which could require you to recompile your application for it to work in future releases.