Consider the following:
When you create a referenced component by copying an existing component
and pasting by reference, Isight
adds a Reference component for both the original and the referenced component.
Once an existing component is used to create a referenced copy (and
is automatically given a Reference component designation), you cannot
“unreference” the component. Deleting the associated Reference component
leaves the referenced component with one less reference (unless you delete
the last reference and choose to delete the referenced component along
with it). However, you can create a non-reference copy of the reference
component and delete the referenced version of the component.
The Reference component is used for all internal model referencing,
including referenced copies of components and submodels. You can also
use the Reference component to reference models published in the library
and models in partner libraries when using a SIMULIA Execution Engine
with federation capabilities. For more information, see Reference Component in the Isight Component Guide.
When you create a referenced component or a submodel, a new node labeled
Submodels appears on the Design Gateway
model explorer. This node not only provides a list of all submodels,
but it allows you to perform such actions as copying or deleting a submodel.
When a component is used by reference, the Reference component automatically
holds copies of all the component’s parameters being referenced so
that they can be driven directly by the individual references. Changes
made to the parameters in the component are automatically reflected in
the reference components that refer to it.