A name/value file is a simple text file that contains a list of parameters
and their corresponding values. The format of the file should be similar
to the following example:
# FIPER Name/Value file encoding=Cp1252
parameter1 = 1234
paramter2 = 5678
parameter3 = 9.0
array1 = 1.1 1.2 1.3
file_parameter1 =C:\files\isight\file_para.dat
Component1.Optimal Design.aggregate_value1 = 3423
Follow these guidelines when creating and using a name/value file:
If you are unsure about how to create a name/value file for an existing
model or you have trouble importing the values into your model, you can
use the Export button on the Runtime Gateway
(or Design Gateway)
Parameters tab to create a file template that
can then be altered as desired. This method can also be used to check
the format of your existing name-value file for any syntax errors.
You can omit the equals sign between the parameter name and its value
when the parameter name does not contain any of the following: equals
sign, space, or pound (#) sign. For example:
parametername 1234
array1[0] = 5.0
array1[2] = 3.1415