Deactivate a single design point |
To deactivate
a design point so that it is not executed (the icon appears), click any row number. You
can also click the button at the top of the design matrix, or right-click
the design matrix and select Skip selected design point(s). |
Deactivate all design points |
To deactivate all
design points in the design matrix, highlight all the design points and
click the button. You can also right-click the design matrix and
select Skip all design points.Note:
Deactivating design points is useful when it is known
that a specific set of values in the design matrix represents a design
that cannot be evaluated for whatever reason.
Activate a design point |
To activate a design
point that has been set to be skipped, click the icon that represents the design point.
The row number reappears. You can also click the button at the top of the design matrix, or right-click
the design point and select Activate selected design point(s). |
Activate all design points |
To activate all the
design points in the design matrix, highlight all the design points and
click the button. You can also right-click the design matrix and
select Activate all design points. |
Add user-defined points to the matrix |
To add
any design point to the design matrix, enter a value for each factor
into the empty last row in the table. Typically, the selected DOE technique
generates a matrix based on the options and factors selected, but you
can add any design points to the matrix. The DOE component will fail
to execute if any user-defined point does not have a value for all factors
(the cells with missing values for user-defined points are highlighted
in pink). |
Paste user-defined points from the clipboard |
To add a set of points
that are already defined in a file, you can copy and paste them directly
into the design matrix as new user-defined by right-clicking and selecting
Paste new user-defined points. Pasting new user-defined
points will always append the points to the matrix (regardless of whatever
cell was selected). If factor names are found in the first row of the
copied data, Isight
uses those names to identify the appropriate columns of data; otherwise;
values are pasted in the same order as they exist in the pasted content.
You must confirm that the values pasted are appropriate for the factors
in those columns. |
Remove user-defined points from the matrix |
To remove any user-defined
points from the matrix, clear the values from all cells in that row or
right-click and select Remove selected user-defined point(s)
or Remove all user-defined points. |
Copy the design matrix |
To copy the design matrix
to the clipboard so that it can be pasted elsewhere (e.g., in a text
file), click the Copy button above the design matrix or right-click the design
matrix and select Copy design matrix. |
Save the design matrix |
To save the design matrix
to a file, click the Save button above the design matrix or right-click the design
matrix and select Save. |