- Job
When you first open the Job Diagnostics dialog box, the job item is highlighted in the Job History tree and the Summary page is visible. The job name and status and the analysis code and release are displayed. For an Abaqus/Explicit job the Abaqus/Explicit precision (single or double) and the number of domains for parallel job execution are displayed. If there are warnings or errors, the total number of each is also displayed.
- Step
The summary for each step displays the step name, step number, analysis procedure, and number of warnings (if any) in the step. Depending on the procedure additional information may also be displayed as part of the step summary. For example, the summary of a general nonlinear step will also include the step time that has been completed, the number of increments that were completed, the time incrementation method (automatic or fixed) that was used, whether nonlinear geometry was accounted for during the step, and the extrapolation type used for a previous state at the start of each increment. See The Step module,” for more information.
- Increment
The summary for each increment displays the increment number and the number of warnings (if any) in the increment. For an Abaqus/Standard analysis the number of attempts is also displayed. The increment summary also indicates the convergence status; if the increment converged, the increment size and the completed step time are displayed.
- Attempt
The summary for each attempt in an Abaqus/Standard analysis displays the attempt number, attempt size, number of warnings (if any), and number of iterations. Severe discontinuity iterations and equilibrium iterations are listed separately, along with the total number of iterations. If Abaqus is unable to find a solution, it makes a cutback in the increment size and begins a new attempt; if Abaqus makes a cutback, the attempt summary indicates the reason for the cutback. There are no attempts in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis.
- Iteration
The iteration summary in an Abaqus/Standard analysis displays the convergence status. If the iteration did not converge, the summary indicates the other pages (Warnings, Residuals, Contact, and Elements) that provide detailed information about the convergence criteria that were not satisfied. There are no iterations in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis.