- Name
The name of the step. Names of linear perturbation steps are indented relative to names of general steps.
- Procedure
The analysis procedure that you selected for this step when the step was created. You can change the analysis procedure after creating a step. Click Replace to select a new procedure type for the selected step. The Procedure column also indicates whether thermal and soils steps assume steady-state or transient conditions or if neither is applicable.
- Nlgeom
Whether the analysis step accounts for geometric nonlinearities. You use the Nlgeom button to control the Nlgeom setting for a particular step. Once you have set the Nlgeom option for a step, your setting remains in effect for all subsequent steps.
- Time
The time period for the step. The default value for the time period is 1.0 time unit. Click Edit to display the step editor so that you can modify the time period.
You use the buttons across the bottom of the Step Manager dialog box to create a step that follows the selected step or to manipulate the selected step. You use the Dismiss button to close the Step Manager dialog box. You can perform the same tasks using the pull-down menus available from the menu, located in the main menu bar.
You can suppress an analysis step to exclude the procedure from the analysis. The suppressed step is removed from the context bar, the restart request dialog box, and the diagnostic print dialog box. Any step-dependent or propagating attributes created in the step are automatically suppressed and ignored during the analysis. Upon resuming the step, the status of each attribute will return to the original state. For example, suppressing and resuming a step will not resume an associated load that was previously suppressed. You can suppress or resume a step as long as the step sequence remains valid.