For more information on cap plasticity, see Modified Drucker-Prager/Cap model.
From the menu bar in the Edit Material dialog box, select .
(For information on displaying the Edit Material dialog box, see Creating or editing a material.)
Toggle on Use temperature-dependent data to define data that depend on temperature.
A column labeled Temp appears in the Data table.
Click the arrows to the right of the Number of field variables field to increase or decrease the number of field variables on which the data depend.
In the Data table, enter the following data:
- Material Cohesion
Material cohesion, d, in the p–t plane (Abaqus/Standard) or in the p–q plane (Abaqus/Explicit). (Units of FL−2.)
- Angle of Friction
Material angle of friction, β, in the p–t plane (Abaqus/Standard) or in the p–q plane (Abaqus/Explicit). Enter the value in degrees.
- Cap Eccentricity
Cap eccentricity parameter, R. Its value must be greater than zero (typically 0.0001≤R≤1000.0).
- Init Yld Surf Pos
Initial cap yield surface position, εplvol|0.
- Transition Surf Rad
Transition surface radius parameter, α. Its value should be a small number compared to unity. If you leave this field blank, the default is 0.0 (i.e., no transition surface). If you include creep properties in the material model, you must set α equal to zero.
- Flow Stress Ratio
The ratio of the flow stress in triaxial tension to the flow stress in triaxial compression, K. The value of K should be such that 0.778≤K≤1.0. If you leave this field blank or enter a value of 0.0, Abaqus uses a value of 1.0 by default. If you include creep properties in the material model, you should set K equal to 1.0. This parameter applies only to Abaqus/Standard analyses.
- Temp
- Field n
Predefined field variables.
To define the hardening part of the cap plasticity model, select from the menu. See Defining hardening parameters for a cap plasticity model” for detailed instructions.
If you want to specify cap creep behavior, select one of the following options from the menu:
Select to choose a cohesion creep mechanism that follows the type of plasticity active in the shear-failure plasticity.
Select to choose a consolidation mechanism that follows the type of plasticity active in the cap plasticity region.
See Defining creep parameters for a cap plasticity model” for detailed instructions. For more information on cap creep behavior, see Creep formulation.
Click OK to create the material and to close the Edit Material dialog box. Alternatively, you can select another material behavior to define from the menus in the Edit Material dialog box (see Browsing and modifying material behaviors, for more information).