ProductsAbaqus/StandardAbaqus/ExplicitAbaqus/CAE Element typesConnector in a plane
Active degrees of freedom1, 2, 6 for the most general connection types. Additional solution variablesIn Abaqus/Standard there can be up to three additional constraint variables related to forces and a moment associated with the connector. The number of additional constraint variables depends on the connection type. Connector in space
Active degrees of freedom1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for the most general connection types. Additional solution variablesIn Abaqus/Standard there can be up to six additional constraint variables related to forces and moments associated with the connector. The number of additional constraint variables depends on the connection type. Nodal coordinates requiredCONN2D2: X, Y CONN3D2: X, Y, Z Element-based loadingUse connector loads to apply loading to the available components of relative motion. Prescribe connector motion to specify relative kinematics (zero or nonzero values) for the available components of relative motion. See Connector actuation for details. Element outputTotal force components
The total force is obtained as CTF = CEF + CVF + CUF + CSF + CRF – CCF. Elastic force components
Elastic relative displacement components
Plastic relative displacement components
Equivalent plastic relative displacement components
Kinematic hardening shift force components
Viscous force components
Uniaxial force componentsConnector uniaxial behavior can be defined only in Abaqus/Explicit; therefore, there is no uniaxial force output available in Abaqus/Standard.
Friction force components
Contact force components generating friction
Total overall damage components
Connector force-based damage initiation criteria
Connector motion-based damage initiation criteria
Connector plastic motion-based damage initiation criteria
Connector lock or stop status
Reaction force components due to kinematic constraints, connector locks, connector stops, and prescribed connector motion
Connector concentrated force components due to connector loads
Relative position components
Relative displacement components
Constitutive displacement components
Relative velocity components
Relative acceleration components
Connector failure status
Node ordering on elements