This method replaces the contents of the data member of the Will link to ker-xydata-cpp object. Prototypevoid addData(const odb_SequenceSequenceDouble& data); Required arguments
Optional argumentsNone. Return valueNone. ExceptionsNone. getData()
Returns the contents of the data member of the Will link to ker-xydata-cpp object. Prototypeodb_SequenceSequenceFloat getData(); ArgumentsNone. Return valueAn odb_SequenceSequenceFloat. ExceptionsNone. MembersThe UserXYData object can have the following members: Prototypeodb_String name() const; odb_String sourceDescription() const; odb_String contentDescription() const; odb_String positionDescription() const; odb_String xAxisLabel() const; odb_String yAxisLabel() const; odb_String legendLabel() const; odb_String description() const; odb_SequenceSequenceDouble data() const;