The license usage reports calculate token usage to two significant figures. If the total hours of license usage (in a summary report) or the average number of tokens checked out (in a daily report) is less than 0.005, the usage report lists these values as zero.
If the FLEXnet debug log file (or log files) is located on a remote server, you must copy it to a directory that is accessible to the local computer before running the usage utility.
- Syntax and Options
abaqus licensing usage {-summary report_file | -daily report_file} [-nouser] -log {debug_log_file | debug_log_directory} [-start start_date] [-end end_date]
- -summary
Use this option to create a report summarizing usage of each license feature by user or location. The report is written to the path and file name specified by report_file.
- -daily
Use this option to create a report providing peak and average daily usage of analysis and Abaqus/CAE license tokens. The report is written to the path and file name specified by report_file.
- -nouser
This option suppresses usage data about individual users in a summary report. It reports aggregate data for the entire license server. If the computer_location environment file parameter is set, it also reports aggregate data for each location. This option has no effect when used in conjunction with the -daily option; daily reports do not include information about individual users or locations.
- -log
Use this option to specify the path to the debug log file or to a directory that includes multiple debug log files; the utility reviews all log files located in the specified path for usage data within the specified reporting period.
- -start
Use this option to specify the starting date and time for the reporting period. If the -start option is not specified, the reporting period begins with the oldest recorded item in the debug log files. The date and time must be entered in the following format:
For example, -start 01-jan-2008_09:00:00 indicates a starting time of 9:00 AM on January 1, 2008. Specifying a time is optional; the default start time is 00:00:00. If the time is specified, the hour field (hh) must be entered in 24-hour format.
- -end
Use this option to specify the ending date and time for the reporting period. If the -end option is not specified, the reporting period ends with the most recent recorded item in the debug log files. The date and time must be entered in the following format:
For example, -end 31-mar-2008_18:00:00 indicates an ending time of 6:00 PM on March 31, 2008. Specifying a time is optional; the default end time is 23:59:59. If the time is specified, the hour field (hh) must be entered in 24-hour format.