What is the FLEXnet license options file, and where should it be stored?

The options file allows the license administrator to control various operating parameters of FLEXnet Licensing, such as reserving a number of tokens for certain users, computers, or domains on a network or restricting access to Abaqus license tokens. Although it can be stored anywhere and can be given any name you like, the recommended location and name for the options file is flex_install_dir/SIMULIALM.opt. If you do not want to restrict access to Abaqus license tokens, you do not need a license options file.

After creating or modifying a license options file, you must use the lmreread tool to reread the license file and implement the new options (see lmreread). The options file is also read when the license server is started. Some changes to the options file will not take immediate effect unless the license server is restarted.

A sample options file is shown in Using the FLEXnet options file, and instructions for creating an options file are included in Chapter 5 of the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide.