Do I have to update the FLEXnet license server when I install a new release of Abaqus?

Yes, if the new release of Abaqus uses a later version of FLEXnet Licensing than your existing license server. Abaqus 2017 uses FLEXnet Licensing Version 11.6.1. If you have a version of FLEXnet Licensing earlier than Version 11.6.1 installed on your system, you should use the licensing installer to automatically upgrade the license server. If you have an existing license server that uses a version of FLEXnet Licensing higher than Version 11.6.1, you should use the procedure described in Updating an Abaqus FLEXnet license file, to update your license file without overwriting the existing license server. If your Abaqus license file is integrated with FLEXnet license files for other products using a combined license file, you must ensure that the lmgrd version meets the FLEXnet version compatibility rules (listed in Appendix I of the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide Version 11.6).

Starting with Abaqus 6.13, license keys will continue to work for two years of subsequent releases, so it may not be necessary to install new FLEXnet license keys with every new release.

You can check under Licensing on the Support page at for the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide.