The remote partner access is the primary means of enabling SIMULIA Execution Engine Federation (Business-to-Business) capabilities. In the Reference component, the remote partner access allows you to select a model that resides at a partner organization (which has a SIMULIA Execution Engine) and insert a reference to it within your own simulation process flow. When you execute this component as part of your simulation process flow, Isight makes the appropriate connection to the partner SIMULIA Execution Engine (which executes the remote model) and receives the output from that remote execution. With this capability, various organizations can collaborate on an overall product design by contributing analysis and design results from their own specialty areas of responsibility, while still maintaining the proprietary nature of their data and methods. For more information about using SIMULIA Execution Engine Federation, refer to the SIMULIA Execution Engine Federation (B2B) Guide. For more information about other referencing options, see Using Submodels and Referenced Models in the Isight User’s Guide. The following figure shows an example of the Reference Component Editor before a model has been selected: To start the Reference Component Editor, double-click
the Reference component icon |