- type
A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of job. Possible values are
RECOVER, and RESTART. The default
value is ANALYSIS.
If the object has the type JobFromInputFile,
type=RESTART is not available.
- queue
A String specifying the name of the queue to which to submit the job. The
default value is an empty string.
You can use the queue argument when creating a Job
object on a Windows workstation; however, remote
queues are available only on Linux platforms.
- waitHours
An Int specifying the number of hours to wait before submitting the job.
This argument is ignored if queue is set. The default
value is 0.
This argument works in conjunction with waitMinutes.
waitHours and atTime are mutually
- waitMinutes
An Int specifying the number of minutes to wait before submitting the job.
This argument is ignored if queue is set. The default
value is 0.
This argument works in conjunction with waitHours.
waitMinutes and atTime are mutually
- atTime
A String specifying the time at which to submit the job. If
queue is empty, the string syntax must be valid for the
Linux at command. If
queue is set, the syntax must be valid according to the
system administrator. The default value is an empty string.
You can use the atTime argument when creating a Job
object on a Windows workstation; however, the
at command is available only on
Linux platforms.
- scratch
A String specifying the location of the scratch directory. The default value
is an empty string.
- userSubroutine
A String specifying the file containing the user's subroutine definitions.
The default value is an empty string.
- numCpus
An Int specifying the number of CPUs to use for this analysis if parallel
processing is available. Possible values are numCpus
0. The default value is 1.
- memory
An Int specifying the amount of memory available to Abaqus analysis. The
value should be expressed in the units supplied in
memoryUnits. The default value is 90.
- memoryUnits
A SymbolicConstant specifying the units for the amount of memory used in an
Abaqus analysis. Possible values are
GIGA_BYTES. The default value is
- explicitPrecision
A SymbolicConstant specifying whether to use the double precision version of
Abaqus/Explicit. Possible values are
DOUBLE_PLUS_PACK. The default value is
- nodalOutputPrecision
A SymbolicConstant specifying the precision of the nodal output written to
the output database. Possible values are SINGLE and
FULL. The default value is SINGLE.
- parallelizationMethodExplicit
A SymbolicConstant specifying the parallelization method for
Abaqus/Explicit. Possible values are
LOOP and DOMAIN. The default value is
- numDomains
An Int specifying the number of domains for parallel execution in
Abaqus/Explicit. When
numDomains must be a multiple of
numCpus. The default value is 1.
- activateLoadBalancing
A Boolean specifying whether to activate dyanmic load balancing for jobs
running on multiple processors with multiple domains in
Abaqus/Explicit. The default value is
- multiprocessingMode
A SymbolicConstant specifying whether an analysis is decomposed into threads
or into multiple processes that communicate through a message passing interface
(MPI). Possible values are DEFAULT,
THREADS, and MPI. The default value