Reset solution controls.

Warning: This option is not needed in most nonlinear analyses, except for use with the parameter ANALYSIS=DISCONTINUOUS. However, if extreme nonlinearities occur, this option may be needed to obtain a solution. Commonly used control parameters contains a discussion of the types of problems that may occur and the use of the CONTROLS option to overcome these problems. This option can also be used in some cases to obtain a solution in a more efficient manner. Use of the option for this latter purpose is intended for experienced users only.

Related Topics
In Other Guides
About convergence and time integration criteria
Commonly used control parameters
Convergence criteria for nonlinear problems
Time integration accuracy in transient problems


TypeHistory data


Abaqus/CAEStep module

Required, mutually exclusive parameters


This parameter applies only to Abaqus/Standard analyses.

Set ANALYSIS=DISCONTINUOUS to set parameters that will usually improve efficiency for severely discontinuous behavior, such as frictional sliding or concrete cracking, by allowing relatively many iterations prior to beginning any checks on the convergence rate. This parameter overrides any values that may be set for the variables I0 and IR on the data lines associated with PARAMETERS=TIME INCREMENTATION. A less efficient solution may result if this parameter is set in problems that do not exhibit severely discontinuous behavior.


This parameter applies only to Abaqus/Standard analyses.

Set PARAMETERS=FIELD to set parameters for satisfying a field equation. In this case the FIELD parameter can be used to define the field for which the parameters are being given. If the FIELD parameter is omitted, the parameters are being set for all fields that are active in the problem.

Set PARAMETERS=CONSTRAINTS to set tolerances on constraint equations.

Set PARAMETERS=LINE SEARCH to set line search control parameters.

Set PARAMETERS=TIME INCREMENTATION to set time incrementation control parameters.


Include this parameter to reset all values to their defaults. The option should have no data lines when this parameter is used.


Set TYPE=DIRECT CYCLIC to set parameters that will be used to control the stabilized state and plastic ratcheting detections and to specify when to impose the periodicity condition for direct cyclic analysis.

Set TYPE=NO CUTBACK SCALING to set the α and β parameters that will be used with the unstable crack growth criterion in an XFEM analysis.

Set TYPE=VCCT LINEAR SCALING to set the β parameter that will be used with linear scaling for a VCCT debonding analysis.

Optional parameters


This parameter can be used only with PARAMETERS=FIELD in Abaqus/Standard.

Set FIELD=CONCENTRATION to set parameters for the mass concentration field equilibrium equations.

Set FIELD=DISPLACEMENT to set parameters for the displacement field and warping degree of freedom equilibrium equations.

Set FIELD=ELECTRICAL POTENTIAL to set parameters for the electrical potential field equilibrium equations.

Set FIELD=GLOBAL (default) to define one set of parameters to be used for all active fields.

Set FIELD=HYDROSTATIC FLUID PRESSURE to set parameters for the hydrostatic fluid element volume constraint.

Set FIELD=MATERIAL FLOW to set parameters for the material flow degree of freedom for connector elements.

Set FIELD=PORE FLUID PRESSURE to set parameters for the pore liquid volumetric continuity equations.

Set FIELD=PRESSURE LAGRANGE MULTIPLIER to set parameters for the pressure Lagrange multiplier field equations.

Set FIELD=ROTATION to set parameters for the rotation field equilibrium equations.

Set FIELD=TEMPERATURE to set parameters for the temperature field equilibrium equations.

Set FIELD=VOLUMETRIC LAGRANGE MULTIPLIER to set parameters for the volumetric Lagrange multiplier field equations.


First line
  1. Rnα, convergence criterion for the ratio of the largest residual to the corresponding average flux norm for convergence. Default Rnα=5×10-3.

  2. Cnα, convergence criterion for the ratio of the largest solution correction to the largest corresponding incremental solution value. Default Cnα=10-2.

  3. q~0α, initial value of the time average flux for this step. The default is the time average flux from previous steps or 10-2 if this is Step 1.

  4. q~uα, user-defined average flux. When this value is defined, q~α(t)=q~uα for all t.

  5. The remaining items rarely need to be reset from their default values.
  6. RPα, alternative residual convergence criterion to be used after IPα iterations. Default RPα=2×10-2.

  7. ϵα, criterion for zero flux compared to q~α. Default ϵα=10-5.

  8. Cϵα, convergence criterion for the ratio of the largest solution correction to the largest corresponding incremental solution value when there is zero flux in the model. Default Cϵα=10-3.

  9. Rlα, convergence criterion for the ratio of the largest residual to the corresponding average flux norm for convergence to be accepted in one iteration (that is, for a linear case). Default Rlα=10-8.

Second line

These items rarely need to be reset from their default values.

  1. Cf, field conversion ratio used in scaling the relationship between two active fields when one is of negligible magnitude. Default Cf=1.0.

  2. ϵlα, criterion for zero flux compared to the time averaged value of the largest flux q~maxα in the model during the current step. Default ϵlα=10-5.

  3. ϵdα, criterion for zero displacement increment (and/or zero penetration if CONVERT SDI=YES) compared to the characteristic element length in the model. This item is used only when FIELD=DISPLACEMENT. Default ϵdα=10-8.


First (and only) line

These items rarely need to be reset from their default values. The relevance of certain parameters depends on the value of the CONVERT SDI parameter on the STEP option.

  1. Tvol, volumetric strain compatibility tolerance for hybrid solid elements. Default Tvol=10-5.

  2. Taxial, axial strain compatibility tolerance for hybrid beam elements. Default Taxial=10-5.

  3. Ttshear, transverse shear strain compatibility tolerance for hybrid beam elements. Default Ttshear=10-5.

  4. Tcont, contact and slip compatibility tolerance. For CONVERT SDI=YES, the ratio of the maximum error in the contact or slip constraints to the maximum displacement increment must be less than this tolerance.

    For CONVERT SDI=NO, this is used only with softened contact specified with the SURFACE BEHAVIOR, PRESSURE-OVERCLOSURE option. The ratio of the error in the soft contact constraint clearance to the user-specified clearance at which the contact pressure is zero must lie below this tolerance for p>p0, where p0 is the pressure value at zero clearance. Default Tcont=5×10-3.

  5. Tsoft, soft contact compatibility tolerance for low pressure. This tolerance, which is used only if CONVERT SDI=NO, is similar to Tcont for softened contact, except that it represents the tolerance when p=0.0. The actual tolerance is interpolated linearly between Tcont and Tsoft for 0pp0. Default Tsoft=0.1.

  6. Tdisp, displacement compatibility tolerance for distributing coupling elements. The ratio of the error in the distributing coupling displacement compatibility to a measure of the characteristic length of the coupling arrangement must lie below this tolerance. This characteristic length is twice the average of the coupling node arrangement principal radii of gyration. Default Tdisp=10-5.

  7. Trot, rotation compatibility tolerance for distributing coupling elements. Default Trot=10-5.

  8. Tcfe, contact force error tolerance for CONVERT SDI=YES. The ratio of the maximum error in the contact force to the time average force must be less than this tolerance. Default Tcfe=1.0. This parameter is not used if CONVERT SDI=NO.


First (and only) line
  1. Nls, maximum number of line search iterations. Default Nls=0 for steps that use the Newton method and Nls=5 for steps that use the quasi-Newton method. A suggested value for activation of the line search algorithm is Nls=5. Specify Nls=0 to forcibly deactivate the method.

  2. smaxls, maximum correction scale factor. Default smaxls=1.0.

  3. sminls, minimum correction scale factor. Default sminls=0.0001.

  4. fsls, residual reduction factor at which line searching terminates. Default fsls=0.25.

  5. ηls, ratio of new to old correction scale factors below which line searching terminates. Default ηls=0.10.


First line

The relevance of certain parameters depends on the value of the CONVERT SDI parameter on the STEP option.

  1. I0, number of equilibrium iterations (without severe discontinuities) after which the check is made whether the residuals are increasing in two consecutive iterations. Minimum value is I0=3. Default I0=4. If ANALYSIS=DISCONTINUOUS, I0=8.

  2. IR, number of consecutive equilibrium iterations (without severe discontinutities) at which logarithmic rate of convergence check begins. Default IR=8. If ANALYSIS=DISCONTINUOUS, IR=10. The logarithmic rate of convergence is not checked if fixed time incrementation is used.

  3. The remaining items rarely need to be reset from their default values.
  4. IP, number of consecutive equilibrium iterations (without severe discontinuities) after which the residual tolerance Rp is used instead of Rn. Default IP=9.

  5. IC, upper limit on the number of consecutive equilibrium iterations (without severe discontinuities), based on prediction of the logarithmic rate of convergence. Default IC=16.

  6. IL, number of consecutive equilibrium iterations (without severe discontinuities) above which the size of the next increment will be reduced. Default IL=10.

  7. IG, maximum number of consecutive equilibrium iterations (without severe discontinuities) allowed in consecutive increments for the time increment to be increased. Default IG=4.

  8. IS, maximum number of severe discontinuity iterations allowed in an increment if CONVERT SDI=NO. Default IS=12. This parameter is not used if CONVERT SDI=YES.

  9. IA, maximum number of attempts allowed for an increment. Default IA=5.

  10. IJ, maximum number of severe discontinuity iterations allowed in two consecutive increments for the time increment to be increased if CONVERT SDI=NO. Default IJ=6. This parameter is not used if CONVERT SDI=YES.

  11. IT, minimum number of consecutive increments in which the time integration accuracy measure must be satisfied without any cutbacks to allow a time increment increase. Default IT=3. Maximum allowed IT=10.

  12. ISc, maximum number of equilibrium and severe discontinuity iterations allowed in an increment if CONVERT SDI=YES. Default ISc=50. This parameter serves only as a protection against failure of the default convergence criteria and should rarely need to be changed. This parameter is not used if CONVERT SDI=NO.

  13. IJc, maximum number of equilibrium and severe discontinuity iterations allowed in two consecutive increments for the time increment to be increased if CONVERT SDI=YES. Default IJc=50. This parameter is not used if CONVERT SDI=NO.

  14. IAc, maximum number of allowed contact augmentations if the augmented Lagrange contact constraint enforcement method is specified. Default IAc=50.

Second line

These items rarely need to be reset from their default values.

  1. Df, cutback factor used when the solution appears to be diverging. Default Df=0.25.

  2. DC, cutback factor used when the logarithmic rate of convergence predicts that too many equilibrium iterations will be needed. Default DC=0.5.

  3. DB, cutback factor for the next increment when too many equilibrium iterations (IL) are used in the current increment. Default DB=0.75.

  4. DA, cutback factor used when the time integration accuracy tolerance is exceeded. Default DA=0.85.

  5. DS, cutback factor used when too many iterations (IS) arise because of severe discontinuities. Default DS=0.25.

  6. DH, cutback factor used when element calculations have problems such as excessive distortion in large-displacement problems. Default DH=0.25.

  7. DD, increase factor when two consecutive increments converge in a small number of equilibrium iterations (IG). Default DD=1.5.

  8. WG, ratio of average time integration accuracy measure over IT increments to the corresponding tolerance for the next allowable time increment to be increased. Default WG=0.75.

Third line

These items rarely need to be reset from their default values.

  1. DG, increase factor for the next time increment, as a ratio of the average integration accuracy measure over IT increments to the corresponding tolerance, when the time integration accuracy measure is less than WG of the tolerance during IT consecutive increments. Default DG=0.8.

  2. DM, maximum time increment increase factor for all cases except dynamic stress analysis and diffusion-dominated processes. Default DM=1.5.

  3. DM, maximum time increment increase factor for dynamic stress analysis. Default DM=1.25.

  4. DM, maximum time increment increase factor for diffusion-dominated processes (creep, transient heat transfer, soils consolidation, transient mass diffusion). Default DM=2.0.

  5. DL, minimum ratio of proposed next time increment to DM times the current time increment for the proposed time increment to be used in a linear transient problem. This parameter is intended to avoid excessive decomposition of the system matrix and should be less than 1.0. Default DL=0.95.

  6. DE, minimum ratio of proposed next time increment to the last successful time increment for extrapolation of the solution vector to take place. Default DE=0.1.

  7. DR, maximum allowable ratio of time increment to stability limit for conditionally stable time integration procedures. Default is 1.0.

  8. DF, fraction of stability limit used as current time increment when the time increment exceeds the above factor times the stability limit. This value cannot exceed 1.0. Default 0.95.

Fourth line

These items rarely need to be reset from their default values.

  1. DT, increase factor for the time increment directly before a time point or end time of a step is reached. This parameter is used to avoid the small time increment that is sometimes necessary to hit a time point or to complete a step and must be greater than or equal to 1.0. If output or restart data are requested at exact times in a step, the default DT=1.25; otherwise, the default DT=1.0.


First (and only) line
  1. IPI, iteration number at which the periodicity condition is first imposed. Default IPI=1.

  2. CRnα, stabilized state detection criterion for the ratio of the largest residual coefficient on any terms in the Fourier series to the corresponding average flux norm. Default CRnα=5×10-3.

  3. CUnα, stabilized state detection criterion for the ratio of the largest correction to the displacement coefficient on any terms in the Fourier series to the largest displacement coefficient. Default CUnα=5×10-3.

  4. CR0α, plastic ratchetting detection criterion for the ratio of the largest residual coefficient on the constant term in the Fourier series to the corresponding average flux norm. Default CR0α=5×10-3.

  5. CU0α, plastic ratchetting detection criterion for the ratio of the largest correction to the displacement coefficient on the constant term in the Fourier series to the largest displacement coefficient. Default CU0α=5×10-3.


First (and only) line
  1. α parameter. Default α=0.5.

  2. β parameter. Default β=2.0.


First (and only) line
  1. β parameter. Default β=0.9.