ProductsAbaqus/Standard Density and fluid massAt the start of the analysis (prior to the first iteration) the density calculated in user subroutine UFLUID (for the initial pressure, , and temperature, ) is used to calculate the fluid mass from the initial cavity volume. During the analysis the expected cavity volume is calculated from the fluid mass and the density. User subroutine interfaceSUBROUTINE UFLUID(RHO,CP,CT,PNEWDT,ENER,PRESS,DPRESS,PRESSI, 1 TEMP,DTEMP,TEMPI,TIME,DTIME,KSTEP,KINC,NONUM,FLNAME,LFLAG) C INCLUDE 'ABA_PARAM.INC' C CHARACTER*80 FLNAME DIMENSION TIME(2) user coding to define RHO, CP, and CT RETURN END Variables to be defined
Variables that can be updated
Variables passed in for information